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Now Serving:
Small-Batch Craft Beer
Brewed and bottled at the N.Y. Slice Co. in Sarasota, Florida.
Aria’s Amber Ale
American Amber Ale
7.08% ABV
Baby Brown
British Brown Ale
4.2% ABV
Baby’s Summer Ale
German Pilsner
5.12% ABV
Madi’s (Dark) Munich
Mixed-Style Beer
6.16% ABVÂ
Mild IPA
5.12% ABV
$4 Bottles and Flights
B.T.C. Members get $1 OFF
Bottles and Flights.
Sign Up Below
No Upcoming Events. Check Back Soon!
Beer Taster’s Club
Member Benefits
- Be the First to Sample NYSC’s Hand-Crafted, Small-Batch Craft Beers.
- Discounted Craft Beers & Flights.
- Free or Discounted Food.
- Exclusive Events.
- Free Flight and Breadsticks at Signup.
- More to Come!!!
Gourmet, Hand-Tossed, New York Style Pizza
New York Slice Company is a New York Style Pizza joint in Sarasota, Florida. Family owned and operated, N.Y. Slice Co. offers gourmet, hand-tossed, New York style pizzas, Strombolis, and Calzones. We keep a hot slice cabinet stocked with 3 different pizza flavors for pizza-by-the-slice. Our full menu offers a wide selection of pasta dinners, salads, appetizers, and desserts.
As our name suggests, the pizza slice is the name of the game. We keep a hot pizza cabinet stocked with huge, 20 inch pizza pies for pizza-by-the-slice. In addition to the ever popular plain cheese and pepperoni pizzas, we make a different specialty pizza every day. And if you’re in the mood for something different, we’ll let you create-your-own slice with up to 3 toppings on a slice of plain cheese.
Beginning immediately, New York Slice Company’s hours will change to a dinner schedule:
Tuesday – Saturday
4pm – 10pm
Now Available
Beer and Wine
For In-House Dining Only
Classic Cheese Pizza
Slice Special #1
2 Cheese Slices and a Drink
All Day, Every Day!
Dine in or Carry Out.
Choose 2 slices from our pizza cabinet and 1 drink from an assortment of canned soda, bottled water, or juice for the kids.
The $4.95 price includes tax too!
Slice Special #2
2 Pepperoni
or Special Slices
and a Drink